Saturday, November 20, 2010

New job!

So I stared my new job! One that will not interfer too much with school. It is with Avon. So pretty much I get these books with lots of goodies in them. I give them to people and or leave my new business cards everywhere. I can make sales in person or on line. I liek the online way since I really don’t have to do too much and worry. The website is here

I post it on my twitter like EVERY DAY! So far just one customer but I am just starting out. I need at least one ecustomer every two weeks to keep it free. I hope to at least make enough for buss fare every month so I can go to school. Maybe lunch and some clothes.. I am not expecting too much but I do hope this can get me through college as for little things I need.

I hope I get more customers and that this works for me!