Saturday, December 17, 2011

Weight loss!!!!

Lately I have been very picky about what I eat and have been trying to eat more vegitarian means and guess what? I am down to 165!!!!! Whoo earlier this year I was 180!! O.o I am soo proud of the change. I hope there will be more of this change in the future! Everyone keep up all your hard work to be healthy! It feels amazing!

Coming Soon!!

I will be working on a new website for my photography!!! I know I haven't been posting much on here but I already have a facebook page and this winter break will be working on an actual website! I am excited about the new project and hope it will be successful!
I shall leave you today with my favorite photo of me in my Panty cosplay!
Love ya!!!!!!!!! <3

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Long time no see!

I know everyone I seem to always post how I am sorry I haven't been posting and how I will post more. Never seems to happen though does it. I really need to work on that.
Well time for my usual catch you up!
School this semester has been good not great though. I some how managed to survive. Next semester will be better since I am taking 3 photography classes. whooo! Gonna be working on my website this winter break as well as working on this!
I haven't been selling Avon in a while sad I know. There just isn't the need for it where I live! I might do it again when I move. For now I got another job and and rocking it! I have been driving a lot and getting a new car too! Fun times!
I have been cutting out a lot of meat from my diet and I went from 180 to 165 in just a couple months!!!! O.o If I knew this I would have totally done this a long time ago!!!!!
I failed yet again at National Novel Writing Month. I try every year but it never works out.
I got a new dress form so maybe I will post some of my cosplay stuff on here soon.
I have a lot of plans I am hopping to change. Lets see how they go! Till next time my loves!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011


I am back at school and doing the whole full time thing. I really need to treat this blog like work and come in a lot more! At least I don't have any English classes so now I can write more!! I am also looking into building my Avon team. I have been doing it a lone for a year but now I am getting consistent sales and want a fun team to work together. I am also looking into other jobs to so I can pay off my car payments.! yeah I don't know if I mentioned this but I am driving now!!!! I am soo excited. I hope to have a lot of fun stuff in store.... maybe I should do an outfit of the week or day or something.... That would be fun!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Acne Oh nooo!

It hit me again!!!!! NOOOOOO. It is all over my face! I am using this acne sport kit that was on clearance at Walmart but so far it is not working. A lot of people are telling me to try proactive but I hear you grow dependent on it and I don't need to add more to my facial routine. What do you guys do to get rid of acne? I will post what I am doing to get rid of mine!

Monday, July 18, 2011


To me Mascara is the most important make up item ever! Maybe that is because I have blonde eye lashes. Michelle Phan made an amazing video explaining different types of mascara.

Now that you know what kind of mascara to use go find your favorite at my Avon store!

Happy shopping!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

busy busy busy Avon lady

So you guys probably already know how busy I have been since my number of post have gone down. I AM SO SORRY! I need an alarm on my phone to remind me to post everyday! Well since I have been busy I haven't sold any avon in a while and my bill got up to $100 O.O. Crazy right! I finally was able to pay it off and hopefully can get back on the ball and sell sell sell. I need to finally make videos like I said before and post up links even have contest for samples and products. Right now I have been going to an Anime con every month! May was Fanime where I debuted the twins from Higurashi, June was Anime Five Cities where I debuted Wondergirl, Jully was Anime Expo where I debuted Karin from Naruto and Kyoko from Madoka, and coming up is Animeicon where I will be a cute evee and the rest of KnoI will be my evole forms! I might also make a Snivy hoodie..... Next month is Mikey Con where I will be bikini Panty form panty and stocking, and then I get to rest for a month... Not really full time classes come back in September T^T

So you can tell I am all over the place these days! I haven't forgotten about you guys!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What has been happening to me.

I am sorry for the long wait for my new post. SOOO much has been going on so instead of a million updates I will just make a really long blog.
First off I will talk about Fanime. Fanime was AMAZING! I have never really made good friends at a con that wasn't in my hometown but here I met 3 guys and we hung out all con practically. I still talk to them and can't wait to see them at AX. I didn't get to see Momoi like I wanted or go see Flow either but my new group of buddies made up for that. We did go watch some of the masquerade (it was way too long) since our friend "zero" was in it. The ball was fun but would have been better if I felt comfortable in my dress. Most of the time I was in my Kallen cosplay but was also wearing my maid outfit, my panda kigurumi, and normal clothes a lot. I never wore soo much normal clothes at a con before it was weird. It was also the first time I had my new camera at a con. Dual wielding cosplay and photography was harder than I thought. I didn't get many photos. After Fanime I went to Vegas and had an amazing time. I saw family and all my old friends that I miss soo much!
After these amazing trips I came home to be really sick. I still am actually. I entered the Dance central dance contest which is still going on but at the moment I am in third place. My performance was lacking due to me having a fever. T^T. Third place is still really good and I could move up still!
Anime Five Cities was last week too! it was soo much fun. I was working the cosplay department and it was crazy. Sadly the masquerade was short. I thought it was gonna go over but we finished it in 10 mins T^T next year will be better. I also introduced my new idol group I am apart of out here. Our performance was fun. Shortly after AFC I started school. I am taking a digital photography class.
Anime Expo is in a couple of days. Talk about stress right? I haven't finished any of my cosplays yet so that is a handful. Wow I can't speak at all today can I? I blame tv as a distraction XP.
Sadly it has been over a month since I have been working out. I gained soo much weight! Doesn't look like I lost no weight at all. Thanks con plague! I will get back on it after AX.
I think I will end this here. I have a lot more stuff to do but I will post about it soon.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Vote for Danielle Denton in the Dance Central Dance off!

All it takes is a few minutes! I entered the Dance Central dance contest and really hope all my friends, fans, readers, and others will vote for me. Together we can do anything!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One month progress!

I admit it is late and I still have 500 words left in my 2000 word essay that was due last week but I promised to put this up and here it is! It has been one month since my last weight loss pics and lets see the difference. Not much. But it is a start you can see where I am starting to tone up. I will try another work out video and regiment what do you recommend? Right now I am using hip hop abs and flirty girl fitness! I did slack off for a week due to being sick so that sucks! But I will do better next month!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shake weights, Are they worth the jokes?

I know you all know what I am talking about. Shake weights have been a joke every since they first came out. Jokes all over a famous one being on South Park. But now I am tempted.... Should I get one? They are just WAY too funny to pass on plus it might actually be a nice addition to my workout family. It is just one of those things that are so wrong and soo hilarious that you just have to have it! Would you guys get it?

Before all the diet and Exercise

I am not a very pretty girl with my clothes off. So I Have been working on changing that. Not like I care if others call me fat because I post so many photos of me but it is disappointing to wake up everyday and feel like your letting every one down. I used to be a lot skinnier so this new me really has been taking it's toll on me. So Now I will being going through and amazing transformation. I hope my journey will inspire others to take control of their weight and health!

Horrible Horrible me.

For not blogging enough! Wow It was been way too long! So this will be catch up time XD yay!
So finals are coming up and that is why I have been so busy. Not only that but Las Vegas Supercon got pushed to October and I now might be going to Fanime (first time there). I am also still working on my panels and cosplay stuff for Anime Five Cities. So I have been a super busy camper XD. My poor face looks like a monster too A MONSTER! I bought some new face sun block so I can stop getting more freckles but my pimples are running wild. I blame all the working out I have been doing. I haven't sweat-ed so much in my life. Yet I have not seen a change in my appearance yet... This sucks. T^T I will post before photos soon even though I look hideous in them XD. That is the purpose of before images right? I will try to post as my blogs as I can today to catch you all up! <3

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Working towards a new me.

So lately I have decided to hard core work out and diet for the next convention. This is actually gonna be really hard on me. I decided to work out once everyday for my school days like Monday-Thursday, but on my days off Friday-Sunday I want to do two work outs like one in the morning and one in the evening. I am not as active as I want to be so the extra working out helps. My workouts usually are the video work outs likes Hip Hop Abs or Flirty Girl Fitness. I have to say I am in love with these two work outs. i am not seeing the results like the workouts say but I do see results. I also have this app for my iPod called Lose it. It keeps tracks of your calories so you don't over eat. It even takes into consideration your workouts and how much calories you burn.This app has been so helpful to me. I am always having a hard keeping track of what I eat. So far I have went a couple days on this strict calorie intake. Apparently with this diet I should be down to 140 lbs by July. I can't remember last time I weight that much! I am hoping this all works out! So I will be posting progress reports weekly on how the weight loss/ toning up goes. One thing I have noticed though was the large amount of pimples on my face. I hope it is a quick phase and my face clears up soon. Well I am always looking for more fitness advice! Here's to reaching my goals!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Change of cosplay plans!

LOL I love how practically right after I wrote that post a new wonder wandered into my life. Wondergirl that is. XD
I was going to cosplay as a female Superboy but my friend mentioned (since I look good as a blonde) that I should cosplay wondergirl. I LOVE Wonder Woman but never heard of Wondergirl. So he educated me on who she was. Pretty mush she is an aprentence of Wonder Woman and Superboys love interest. All i had to hear was Superboy's girlfriend and I was sold! I looked up a couple of her outfits and went along with this one.
I figured it would work best since it would match Superboy's look of just the t-shirt and jeans too. These costumes are super easy and very comfortable with I like since most of my costumes require limited movement and are very uncomfortable. I can't wait to start working on these but first I need to get in shape and work out which is my next post! XD!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cosplay!!! No time or money!

It pains me to know all these conventions are coming up and I am soo short on the green substances we call money. I have a huge list of cosplays I wanted to get done this year and I have only achieved one of these many cosplays. I want to make more but being a full time student and working so many conventions doesn't give me time to even look for a paying job or to make cosplays. This is a sad time for me. I have Las Vegas Supercon coming up in which I will be performing so I need to work on my costume for that plus I want to debut Ramon's comic version from Scott Pilgrim for Anthony and female version of Superboy. Yes female of Superboy not Supergirl they are different characters all together. At least I have my Miss Aubrey costume from Dance Central done. I just might want a wig since I have a complex with using my real hair. next is Anime Five Cities... I wanted to get a new Kallen costume for this but it seems I won't have money to spend on such an extravagant cosplay especially if my boyfriend is going to get the emperor Lelouch costume. I might see if I can get a new Haruhi Suzumiya costume or maybe Yuri from Angel Beats. I don't even want to think of all the costumes I need to make for AX! As soon as school is out I am going to go into cosplay overdrive to get everything done. My main goal is to finish my Envy costume from the Scott Pilgrim Movie! There are far more that I want done but that is a must!

I just thought I would post this since it came up today and all the stress that follows! Why are all hobbies soo expensive?

Is keeping a real diary hip?

I have been reading The Diary of a Young Girl (finally) and it got me thinking.... Ever since I have moved to Cali I don't really have anyone to talk to (other than my bf) about serious issues. I mean I love you guys and the internet but nothing really personal and one on one. So I was thinking of having my own diary to write in the personal delemas of my everyday life. It won't be as interesting as this I can guarantee. Mostly might be me complaining that I am fat ha ha. But it might also motivate me.
So to the point of this post should I? I mean I am a 22 year old adult would be having a diary be to childish? How many of you guys still have a diary?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I finally got it!!!!

My new camera that is! I will be picking it up on Friday! It is a Nikon D7000! So now me and my mom have matching cameras and my boyfriend will be getting a Nikon D4o. His friend who has the D40 is going to be getting a D7000 also so I am surrounded by Nikon users which triggered me to get it instead of everyone telling me Canon. I still have my Canon Rebel film SRL that I am very happy with. I hope that now that I have a updated digital camera finally I can upload some amazing photo's on here or at least on my DA So here is to a new adventure!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New night time skin routine FTW

So recently I changed my night time skin routine and my face as never felt better. I used to just wash my face and put on some night cream or some moisturizer never both. But as you all already know I am a Avid Michelle Phan viewer on Youtube and she made a video on layering your skin care items. I had no idea this would work but it does and my skin loves it.

I will edit the routine in later!

To watch Michelle's Video check it out here:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Make up for charity?!

I was looking around my twitter and then I saw this post that was re-tweeted by: @juicystar007

What she is doing is donating $10 for everyone who submits a photo of the inspired make up! I am totally in! I even have a cute geisha costume to wear too! SOOO excited! How many of you guys want to help out!?


I apologize for the horrific photo's you are going to see in this post.. I just got out of the shower and can't find my actual camera so I used the web cam on here haha.
I have been really stressed with the whole Japan issues going on and I have been juggling school with fundraising. So far I made $25 with one sale
so I am happy with that!
Anyways I finally got a new Ipod! yay! I couldn't afford the $100 warenty and it has glitches in the screen T^T $350
for a broken iPod I can't have fixed. Just my luck. But I still love it. I can now finally fit all my music,podcast and videos on it. I also can play Angry Birds with no lag!!! With a new iPod you have to have new accessories right?Of course I got accessories!! Mostly cases.
It is a super cute Decora style hard case. The only problem I have with it is that is was poorly made. All the stones are stick one and had pieces of my hair caught in them with in seconds. Another thing is the flowers look like they are gonna fall off and it is hard to close since the stones are in the way. It was only a couple of dollars so no harm done. I plan to reinforce all the stones and flowers then enjoy it. I am just glad I didn't have to put more work or money into it. The other case I got looks liek a cassette tape! And it is pink! I am a sucker for old skool electronics and games. So now I can be all hip with my music! yay! Well on top of all the music news I have also made a big decision in my life. I am finally gonna take the JLPT or Japanese Language Proficiency Test. This may help me get into UCLA for Japanese and will also help me with getting a job as a translator. Which is like my main career goal. Maybe once I get good enough I can translate some Japanese fashion mags for the blog? That would be fun. So yeah I bought a lot of new text books to study for the JLPT but it is hard if you have no one to talk with. I have been looking for podcast in Japanese just so I can always be listening to the language to help me understand it.
Speaking of podcast I have been doing a lot for my n3rd l1fe blog but someone mentioned if I will do any for this blog. To be honest I don't talk to many girls who would be interested in it... Would you guys? Even if it was just me?
I hope to hear from all you you guys!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Watch to see how you can help Envy help Japan!

Thank you so much!
Please post to all your friends I appreciate all the support!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Please help out Japan

We are all very scared about the earthquake and tsunami in japan that happened yesterday that had after shocks the size of huge earthquakes all night. It is reassuring to hear that our idols and celebrities in Japan are doing ok but there are estimated to be thousands of deaths that did occur. I am doing my best to raise money to donate to the red cross and other organisations to help out the country we love so much. If you would like to contribute to my fund raiser here is the flyer. Together we can make a difference! がんばって日本!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Red Lips!

Michelle Phan is my favorite make up guru to watch on youtube and she made a new video that made me wonder if I am wearing the right shade of lipstick
Here she advertises her Lancome but I am sure you can find colors liek this also at my avon store.
Have fun finding your perfect red!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Youtube make over!

Thank you Kamryn Seidl for makinf my new youtube layout!

She will also be doing some artwork on this blog too so Look out for her work.
If you want to see some of her art check out her DA
She is an amazing person and her art reflects her amazing glow.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Make over time!

In the next month or two I will be going through some big changes on here. I plan to add more to this site and really give it a face lift. I am not really good with making layouts just yet so bear with me but soon I will make this blog look original and personalized. I will be experimenting so if something is off or weirding you out please let me know! We shall evolve together!

Weekly update (from school)

Today has been a crazy day. It started pouring like crazy this morning then next thing you know it is sunny. Now I feel bad since I didn't do my hair or make up in anticipation for the rain. T^T So I am hiding in the corner of the school library. My big blue UCLA hoodie covering my horrible hair. XD
Just one more class to go! Luckily math is really easy. The teacher gives us a worksheet then leaves the class comes back and repeats. It is so weird.
I had a test today in Astronomy.... I totally bailed it. I am horrible. I blame Marvel vs Capcom 3 for my lack of sleep and studying... And I haven't even been playing it that much. I have been looking for a weekend job too. So maybe I can pay for my cosplay and fashion addiction. My gamer addiction is paid for by my loving BF!
If anyone knows one totally hook me up kay!
Also I am still doing that whole you suggest me things to blog about!If it is nerdy enough I might put it on my geek blog!

Till my next post Love ya!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines day!

Is right around the corner! I wounder what everyone is doing tomorrow? I am starting my day today. I will be making chocolates today! This is my first time making chocolates and I am so excited. Hopefully they come out ok! I also have school Monday so that kinda blows. I will be all dressed up and ready for my date after wards. Ok so we are just going to Olive Garden for dinner then gonna camp outside Game Stop for MvC3. What a nerdy end to Valentines day right? I wouldn't have it any other way!
What are you guys doing for valentines day?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beauty Time!

I have really been getting into beauty with my Avon Rep job. It is a lot of fun to help others look their best or to open up their creativity. I feel like I should make some post just for beauty. Fun right?
First off I just want to remind everyone of my Avon site

Here I can sell to anyone anywhere so if there is something I use that you would like to know more on I will gladly help you out and find you the best deal. I don’t always use Avon or Mark. Products and if I can find quality products cheaper I will gladly point you in that direction.

I also made a Youtube for beauty but I just got my new laptop so now I can finally start making videos again. My Youtube is under my username Bloodshotbarbie.

I should be making new videos soon!

SOOOO to my first beauty discussion I want to mention the new trend with lips.
The gloss is out! That’s right this season it is all about matte lips. Most matte lipsticks don’t have a lot of moister in them and will leave your lips dry and flaky. You can prevent flaking by using a toothbrush and exfoliating your lip. I usually but some Carmex on either before or after I apply the lip color to add moister.
I prefer to use my ULTRA COLOR RICH Moisture Seduction Lipstick

It is one of the most conditioned lip color I have ever worn. I always keep one in Pink Taffetta in my makeup bag at all times. It is so soft and neutral that I can wear it every day.
I can be here all day talking about lip color but I will end it here. I might post a video on this too! I will continue to write more beauty tips on here in the future and give this blog a make over!

Till next time stay beautiful!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New business cards

So I am taking my Avon experience where I know the trade the best.. Cosplay and anime cons! Here is my new design hopefully I can have these by Anime Five Cities and can give them to everyone who takes my pictures too! I will start doing Cosplay make up 101 panels and bring lots of samples to cons.

Amazing Shot

SO I am taking a photography class (sorry for not updating) And I was just sitting in the student center when four people all at once started playing their psp's. I got on the ground and took the best photo of the day! Too bad my camera is a film camera (perhaps I will post about it later!)
But yeah sooooo it was amazing and thought I should share. I think I will write random updates when I am at school like now! So yay! I will post the picture later!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Good night sweet princess

So one reason I haven't been posting is my computer broke how lame!! Now I have a new computer and am all ready to go! BUUUT then the unthinkable happened. A really close friend of mine passed away. She was really young too only like 28/29. I still don't really know the details but ti was a hard time for me. I am still getting over seeing her beautiful frozen doll body at the funeral... She was my best friend in my new home and I will miss her terribly. I hope to make multiple cosplays in her name and well I guess live life to the fullest because you really don't know when your time is going to come.
So as you can tell I am a little out of it but I did make a big blog group called N3RD L1FE, W0RD L1FE. you can reach it here:
It is mostly nerdy stuff. I really hope to keep up with these two blogs the most. I have more but no time!

Well I guess that is it for now.. You can always ask me to write on a topic too no one has in a while!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted on here in a long time.

I have a couple other blogs I have been working on the past couple of months. I also got my new laptop so hopefully I will be posting new stuff soon! I will link my other blogs on here later one is about my life as an Idol and one is for my idol group as a whole. But this one is really personal no fame or fortune. I also want to write about a dear friend of mine who past away. So look forward to those blogs soon!