Friday, August 26, 2011


I am back at school and doing the whole full time thing. I really need to treat this blog like work and come in a lot more! At least I don't have any English classes so now I can write more!! I am also looking into building my Avon team. I have been doing it a lone for a year but now I am getting consistent sales and want a fun team to work together. I am also looking into other jobs to so I can pay off my car payments.! yeah I don't know if I mentioned this but I am driving now!!!! I am soo excited. I hope to have a lot of fun stuff in store.... maybe I should do an outfit of the week or day or something.... That would be fun!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Acne Oh nooo!

It hit me again!!!!! NOOOOOO. It is all over my face! I am using this acne sport kit that was on clearance at Walmart but so far it is not working. A lot of people are telling me to try proactive but I hear you grow dependent on it and I don't need to add more to my facial routine. What do you guys do to get rid of acne? I will post what I am doing to get rid of mine!