Sunday, June 20, 2010

The fight against time. AX and cosplay!

My gosh this con likes to creep up on you fast. And like every year I find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I usually make my own cosplays but I have moved to a place where that doesn't even exist. There is one fabric store and none of the people I have met here cosplay. (They will when I am done with them XD) So now I am all alone in all my projects. My plans this year were: Kallen from code geass, Ranka from Macross frontier, Miku from Vocaloid, Absol gajinka from Pokemon, Vanille from Final Fantasy 13, and Lady gaga from her Telephone MV. With less than two weeks till the convention NOTHING has been done... I had to order my Kallen costume but when I got it it didn't have the folds in the top (main reason why I wanted this one) and the shorts were way too long. I have no idea how to work with the fabric that it was made out of to make the shorts shorter. Blech, this is why I hate ordering things online and rather just make my own. My job has only been working me three days a week so money has been really tight. because of this ranka, Vanille, Miku and Absol have been cut. I might buy a Miku wig that isn't to my liking but a desperate move from a friend at the con, but I still don't have a costume since she also has the fail Miku cosplay from before. As for Lady gaga all is coming together good.... Except the fact that I don't know how to make her top or can find the boots..... I am so tempted not to go from all the stress it has caused me but I have soo many friends who want to see me there.
I just hope everything will be put together nicely and my friends will actually make time out of their busy schedules to hang with me. Since all the gathering hanging out I was gonna do is now busted. I really have nothing to do at this con but one VA and one concert... This blows.

This blog was a suggestion from button Masher! Thanks for the Idea today! Want me to blog about something Just leave me a comment or email me!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Unlimited Power... J/K

I know I know more than one blog in a day what give. POWER that is what gives. Or more like takes and plays with your hopes and dreams. I feel like rage mode is coming out of this but yeah. SOOOOO yeah ok lately this house hates me. Sometimes the power goes out but it is only to the rooms. That is where the internet modem and everything is. This random out burst is because I went to go use the bathroom and turned on the switch and poof power was gone. WTF man. The first time this happened we thought there was a problem with the power box outside but it didn't do anything. Then Mike tried to unplug the modem to move it in the living room a vola power came back. So is Mike magic?
It seems if we move the plug in the power outlet the power will come back on. But not just to the appliances in the outlet to the whole room, bathroom, and Mike's brother's room. It is really weird and making me sooo mad. This house is like huanted or just doesn't want me on the computer...
But this is my life!!!! I love my internets!! Just just ARGH!!!!!!!

What if everyone in the world was reverse genders?

This topic was a suggestion from Smiley. I thought it would be something fun to write about. So what kind of guy would I be like then. Well I did have really short hair when I was in middle school and was even on the basketball team. So I might have been an athlete. But now thinking on it... I don't think much would have changed... I was very tomboyish growing up and then grew into being girly. That is the lucky thing about being a girl, we can dress like boys and there would be no problem with it. I might have tried crossplaying a lot though well it depends... I like being a girl since I crossplay as it is and it is ok then I can also be a hot chick too.
Things happen for a reason i guess. I am a girl cuz it is more logical for me to be one. I guess that is all i can really say about me.
On the other hand other people.... Ok I still have to say I am lost on how to say this... If that made any sense at all. Take Adam for instance. he makes a super super cute girl, but also a very good looking boy. On top of that he is such a ladies man for his young age. So Idk where i am going with this. Thanks Smiley for confusing me as well as my gender....

Going back to college!?

Looks like I might be attending Allan Hancock community college this fall in Santa Maria. I talked to my uncle and it seems he wants to pay for my schooling again. This is great news but there is one problem... I want to major in Japanese so I can be a translator. There is no Japanese out here. I would say dance since I really like that or art (more dance than art at the moment), but I don't know what kind of careers I can do with that. I am really stumped on this. I am probably just gonna take some core general education classes till i can figure this out and talk to some counselors. there is so much I want to learn but the area I live in well.... I would have to move to make a good living off it. My uncle expects me to be able to not only take care of my family which i hope to have by then but to take care of him so he really pushes me to get this school stuff done.

One thing that has crossed my mind is how I love to write but my writing skills have been lacking a lot since school. Maybe I should go into some journalism classes to see how I like that. I don't know I am having a lot of fun writing these long blogs on here working on my writing. I might even get back into writing story's. Either way I am thinking of starting some classes this fall or at least talking to counselors about it. Seeing what I can do to move forward in my life.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My view on the oil spill.

OK so I guess I will write this in two parts having both the parts in this one blog. This was a request from Darrin and to be honest I don't know a clue about the oils spills. All I know is that it happened done.
You would think I watch more news and stuff.. maybe I should but a request is a request so I am gonna write what I think about it with my knowledge so far.

Knowing nothing:
Sooo there has been this oil spill in the gulf of mexico I think? and just oil in the water sucks. I can barely imagine how many animals have died or gotten sick over this.I am no hippie or environmentalist but I think something has to be done, and fast. I hear Kevin Pereira talk about it a lot on attack of the show. He showed clips of where he was drawing in the sand but it was full of oil. It was sooo gross. I hear there was more than one spill too. Really more than one how can people be letting this happen i think it is just out right ridiculous. Then again half the things on the news is hence the reason I don't watch or read it.

After reading up on it.:

Really wth how can you let THAT much oil spill out? Two Million gallons a day!!! Not only is this hurting marine like but humans too!Fisherman that were out on their boats got sick and had to flee the area for medical attention. Gosh how bad it this gonna get I almost don't want to keep reading. Ok so I read two articles and can't think of what to write... This is a fail blog argh. So now we know current events is not my thing... let me see if I can find more.....
Wait this thing is cancerous that is no bueno. Ok so from Wiki the oil spill was caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. Apparently there have been numerous smaller spills and fire at this rig before and they have been written citations for this. You would think someone would notice something bad out of this. This whole thing is just pissing me off reading about. All I can find is bad news on it. Where is the good news about it being fixed? Blarg Whatever!

Got something you want me to write about comment me or email me your suggestions. Don't forget to critic too!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting back into art.

It has been way too long since I have really don't any drawing or anything really artsy. My poor deviant art has art from high school. That was almost 4 years ago. I feel like I Should get back to work on it but I am really rusty. Today though I filled 4 pages in my scrap book that hasn't been touched since 2007 so there is a plus. Working at an art store and making more art buddies really help me a lot. My goal is to learn how to digitally color and use my Photoshop better so I can make better websites and blog layouts. All this talk about art really gets me pumped up. I was trying to redraw a image from Love Hina today, one I did years ago. I felt the same feelings I did the first time I drew it. All the excitement was still there. Why did I ever stop doing this? Sometimes I wonder...... either way look forward for some new art stuff coming from me!

DA: motokourashima

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why am I called Motoko?

My friend Skylar asked me this today on facebook and I decided to write it here since it can be a long story.
It started way back in middle school. My friends Corry, Jeff, and I had just finished a night of Ragnarok online when we wanted some root beer. We all picked Kingdom Hearts characters but Jeff didn't want me to be Kairi since he was Sora. I was like fine you pick a character for me. We spent hours trying to figure out who I would role play on the way to Walmart. We were relating me to anime characters and then that was when Corry shouted Motoko! I hate turtles, I always would play with swords, I took a couple months of Kendo, ( had to quit cuz I couldn't afford it. ) and I am always so mean to guys. I mean I would hang with the guys and be one of them but when one came to ask me out I would look down on them like they were a sack of potatoes. They started calling me Motoko everywhere I went and it started to catch on. Next thing I knew the whole anime community only knew me as Motoko. The best part is though in freshman year of high school, I met this boy he became my best friends though it all and his nick name... Keitaro. What is even funnier was when we learned our real names. His is Daniel and mine is Danielle.
To be honest I always look back and wonder, what would hat happened if I picked the nick name I wanted? I always wanted to be called Haruko from FLCL. Nowadays I am just called by what ever cosplay I am in or random names but Motoko will never die.

Thanks Skylar for my topic of the day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A new Start

I decided to make this blog so I can actually write more. My writing style has been really laking and that is not good. I hope to write daily and make longer blogs that my friends can read if they are really bored and hey even spell check me if they want. I might do some reviews or just ramble about my day.

So a little about me...
My name is Danielle but I go by my middle Nicole a lot.
My favorite color is pink.
I lived in las Vegas for most of my life but now I live in Guadalupe with my boyfriend.
I still go to las Vegas for many anime events but I can't go to as many as I wish.
If I had to name three things I like that always make me happy they would be Haruhi, strawberries, and cherry blossoms. If you buy me anything with these things on it I will love you forever.

I want to write more but I picked a really bad time to do this. If anyone has something they want me to write about just comment it to me or something and I will be on it. It can be about anything I just really want to get back into the habit or writing better.
Thanks for reading this!

~~ D Nicole D