Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cosplay!!! No time or money!

It pains me to know all these conventions are coming up and I am soo short on the green substances we call money. I have a huge list of cosplays I wanted to get done this year and I have only achieved one of these many cosplays. I want to make more but being a full time student and working so many conventions doesn't give me time to even look for a paying job or to make cosplays. This is a sad time for me. I have Las Vegas Supercon coming up in which I will be performing so I need to work on my costume for that plus I want to debut Ramon's comic version from Scott Pilgrim for Anthony and female version of Superboy. Yes female of Superboy not Supergirl they are different characters all together. At least I have my Miss Aubrey costume from Dance Central done. I just might want a wig since I have a complex with using my real hair. next is Anime Five Cities... I wanted to get a new Kallen costume for this but it seems I won't have money to spend on such an extravagant cosplay especially if my boyfriend is going to get the emperor Lelouch costume. I might see if I can get a new Haruhi Suzumiya costume or maybe Yuri from Angel Beats. I don't even want to think of all the costumes I need to make for AX! As soon as school is out I am going to go into cosplay overdrive to get everything done. My main goal is to finish my Envy costume from the Scott Pilgrim Movie! There are far more that I want done but that is a must!

I just thought I would post this since it came up today and all the stress that follows! Why are all hobbies soo expensive?

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