Sunday, April 10, 2011

Working towards a new me.

So lately I have decided to hard core work out and diet for the next convention. This is actually gonna be really hard on me. I decided to work out once everyday for my school days like Monday-Thursday, but on my days off Friday-Sunday I want to do two work outs like one in the morning and one in the evening. I am not as active as I want to be so the extra working out helps. My workouts usually are the video work outs likes Hip Hop Abs or Flirty Girl Fitness. I have to say I am in love with these two work outs. i am not seeing the results like the workouts say but I do see results. I also have this app for my iPod called Lose it. It keeps tracks of your calories so you don't over eat. It even takes into consideration your workouts and how much calories you burn.This app has been so helpful to me. I am always having a hard keeping track of what I eat. So far I have went a couple days on this strict calorie intake. Apparently with this diet I should be down to 140 lbs by July. I can't remember last time I weight that much! I am hoping this all works out! So I will be posting progress reports weekly on how the weight loss/ toning up goes. One thing I have noticed though was the large amount of pimples on my face. I hope it is a quick phase and my face clears up soon. Well I am always looking for more fitness advice! Here's to reaching my goals!


  1. I posted Tabata training for fat burning
